Ester Lin

Junior Developer

I build simple and elegant products for the web and for fun.


Hello! I'm Ester, not your typical nerd but deeply passionate about coding. My journey started in the textile industry, where I led the development of a system connecting adidas Group's internal and external customers. This experience sparked my curiosity for coding, and since then, I've been incorporating it into my projects.

Fueled by this curiosity, I enrolled in Haiku Academy's Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp. The program was intense, but it equipped me with skills in various essential technologies, including React, NodeJS, MongoDB and Git, enabling me to bring web projects to life.

Since the bootcamp, I've been working on e-commerce and AI projects, utilizing NextJS, Tailwind, and SQL.

Now, I'm all set to take on new challenges in web development. If you have an exciting project or challenge, I'm here and eager to collaborate. Feel free to reach out!


  1. Full Stack E-Commerce + Dashboard & CMS. Separate sites for users and admins. On the user side, experience seamless shopping with category filters and a simulated Stripe checkout process using dummy credit cards. Meanwhile, the admin site empowers administrators to effortlessly create stores, manage categories and products, and track user transactions via Stripe. It's a comprehensive solution bridging the customer experience and administrative control for a smooth, end-to-end e-commerce journey.

    • Next14
    • ShadCN
    • Tailwind
    • Prisma
    • MySQL
    • Axios
    • Cloudinary
    • Stripe
    Present Perfect e-commerce website
  2. Full Stack SaaS AI Platform. Generate images, videos, music and code with your prompt. Enjoy a free plan with 5 prompts, and for unlimited possibilities, subscribe monthly using a simulated Stripe integration. The magic happens with Replicate for videos and music, DALL-E-2 for images, and the rest powered by OpenAI. Plus, it has Crisp integrated, to ensure excellent customer support throughout their experience.

    • Next14
    • ShadCN
    • Tailwind
    • openAI
    • dall-e-2
    • replicate
    • Prisma
    • MongoDB
    • Axios
    • Stripe
    • Crisp
    Genius AI SaaS Platform
  3. Full Stack E-Commerce platform + Headless CMS using Payload. Use Stripe to add a flat fee for Digital Hippo commission.

    • Next14
    • ShadCN
    • Tailwind
    • MongoDB
    • Stripe
    • Resend
    • Payload
    • tRPR
    Your marketplace for high-quality digital assets.


  1. FEB - OCT 2023

    Teacher Assistant

    Deliver high quality code for a diverse array of projects. Provide mentorship for students from the bootcamp throught close collaboration and code review.

    • React
    • NodeJS
    • JavaScript
    • Tailwind
    • HTML
    • GitHub
    • MongoDB
  2. 2018 - 2022


    Worked as F&B Supervisor and Server over 4 years in boutique bars and fine dining restaurants. Successfully managed F&B inventories working in a fast-paced environment. Highly capable of solving problems under pressure and delivering a quality service.

    • 2015 - 2018

      Sales Specialist

      Coordinate presale events, manage the Distribution Portal, create data reports, and organize trade terms for wholesale key accounts.

      • SAP
      • PowerBI
      • Excel
      • Microsoft Office
    • 2014 - 2015

      Forecast and monitor client account metrics, conduct in-depth report analysis, and collaborate with various teams to meet client needs and explore new opportunities. I focus on providing solutions, negotiate contracts, and cultivate positive relationships with stakeholders. Additionally, I assist clients with Nielsen tools and services, offering training as needed.

      • SAP
      • Excel
      • Microsoft Office